Solid Elm Flooring For Rochester Cathedral Library
Rochester, England’s second oldest cathedral was awarded a £3.55 million Heritage Lottery Fund grant. The Hidden Treasures and Fresh Expressions project focused on the complete restoration and renovation of the cathedral’s crypt and library. Replacement of the library floor was part of the refurbishment. It was essential that the floor was practical, sustainable and hardwearing, yet in keeping with the historical features of this stunning building. Sutton Timber, the chosen supplier for the flooring, provided mixed width solid elm boards for the project.
Beautifully fitted by Pica Flooring. The boards measure up to 275mm in width and up to four metres long. Laid lengthways it gives the library the appearance of greater width and provides overall balance to the space. The solid elm boards are full of interest, with wild swirling grain and occasional contrasting white sap wood. The rich golden tones perfectly compliment the newly fitted floor to ceiling book shelves. A hardwearing timber, elm is ideally suited to the room and its purpose.
The old library had its own charm as an Oxbridge-like library but was never able to open to the public. This fabulous new library will now function as a multipurpose space for reference, study, meetings and workshops and will be accessible to the general public and scholars alike. It will house the cathedrals historic collection of rare and historic books, manuscripts, photographs and a wealth of texts.
Chapter Clerk at Rochester Cathedral Simon Lace said: “We are delighted with the beautiful elm flooring supplied by Sutton Timber for our wonderfully restored Library. The floor looks absolutely fabulous and yet is so practical. We’ve had many, many compliments on the excellence of the restoration and almost all have commented on the quality of the flooring. Thank you Sutton Timber.”